A Short Sermon
Now and then, I write something that might be inspirational to someone, in the Christian sense of the word. If I do, I might post it here. Here's something I wrote years ago:
Consider this; "what is man, that thou art mindful of him?" Science, with all the energy, financing, and raw mental power it has, cannot penetrate the mind of even the simplest person; we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
I read a newspaper article this morning about another upcoming 'man vs. machine' chess match. The human thinks he can beat the computer if he plays his "A" game and makes no mistakes. Somewhere in the article someone was quoted saying something like "This may be the last opportunity for man to defeat the computer in a mental matchup." Or something like that. I'm lousy at remembering quotes.
Anyway, I thought about that, and recalled seeing another article a while back that Honda, or one of the Japanese auto makers, has been trying for ten years to teach a robot to walk. Computerised speech synthesis is in its infancy; researchers don't know if they will ever figure out something as basic to us as human speech. When they can program a computer to beat Michael Jordan at basketball, they will only be at the threshold.
I said all that to say this. We ourselves are impenetrable, ineffable, beyond our ability to understand ourselves, yet we are a tiny fragment of the fulness of God, who made us in His image. It's awesome how unbelievably huge God is.
Now, I said all of that to say this. The waste of a single human life is a tragedy beyond our comprehension. God alone can comprehend the enormity of that. And, that's why I believe that, while the gospel is the greatest gift that God gave to us, it is not the whole story, or else God would have ordered things in such a way that everyone understood it from the beginning.
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